I'm talking about loss.
Our small town has been rocked so many times, it's no longer real. Hearts broken, families shattered, lives changed forever. Sadness. It's all around us.
For each of you who have been affected, I'm so sorry. My heart goes out to you in so many ways. Although I may not have ever known you, I have thought of you. And the loved ones you have lost. Because reality is - we all know each other though someone. Our lives are intertwined in some way, big or small.
All over the world, people are thinking of you, sending healing thoughts and positive energy your way. Because without friends, we might not find the way.
So, from my heart to yours - may you find peace. May you find comfort. May you find a friendly face to share your sadness with, and a kind shoulder to share your burden. You don't have to do it alone. Ask for help, knowing that needing assistance is not a weakness.
For others, be there for your friends. Be their rock, their sanctuary - their support that helps them find some clarity in this crazy world. I know so many of you ARE just that. And I'm proud to know you all. I'm proud to have you by my side.
Time heals all wounds. We do not have to forget. Ever.
--The Cook
Nice read.....all this tragedy has weighed heavy on all hearts in Rev.