Tuesday, March 15, 2011

About the recipes you find on my blog ...

So, like all really great things, recipes change over time and with little additions and alterations - we make them our own.  That is what I do here.  I hardly ever follow a recipe word-for-word, step-by-step.  I do, however, do research and look at a number of different recipes and find what works for my tastes in a number of them, and then re-group them into a new recipe that I love and either use as-is over and over again - or change just a little bit more.

Mostly, I know what I want to do with a certain (meat, vegetable, product or item) and go from there.  I've been known to make something up, just because I want to see if that something will turn into something GREAT.  And many times it does work.  Or not.

So, if you've ever wondered or ever will wonder - these are recipes that work for me.  Researched by me and compiled into what works for me.  And those I feed.  It's like taking a little bit of a number of things and adding them all together.  Huh.  Like cooking!  Like a recipe!  Ah ha!

If ever I copy a recipe from someone else, I will give credit to them.  I promise.  And I do sometimes cook from what someone else has researched and from what has worked for them.  Because I don't know everything and I'm still learning how things go together.

So, there you have me.  And honestly, most times I don't actually use a recipe.  My Mom and my Grandma use to let me help them cook and it was a pinch of this and a pinch of that - a few handfulls here and there.  They didn't need a recipe!  I follow that.  Not every chili is the same, not every sauce is the same.  Thank you Mom and thank you Grandma for teaching me that it's not all about a cup or a teaspoon. 

--The Cook

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