
So, what is life without friends.


There'd be no secret whispers that only we understand.  No gigging about inside jokes that only we know.  No one to watch you at your best and smile because that's just why they love you, and no one to watch you at your worst and smile even more because that too, is why they love you.

No one to hold you up when you fall.  Maybe kick a little dust in your face on the way down because they could have told you the risks.  No one to dust you off, kick you in the butt and tell you to pull your head out of it, and move forward, because life is too short to lay around whinging about it.  No one to tell your secrets too, no one to hold your hand when it's dark.  No one to giggle and laugh with.  I'm thankful for my friends.  They keep me (nearly) sane.

I've been blessed with some really GREAT friends.  Friends who have come and gone and some that (for unknown reasons still to be determined) have stuck it out over the years.  Old (sorry, you know who you are) friends, young friends - and a whole bunch in between all make my life >that< much sweeter.  And enjoyable.  And exciting!

My friends love food as much as I do.  We share recipes, stories and ideas.  And we get together and cook with a nice tall glass of rum, a cold beer or a mug of wine.  Simple pleasures really.  And it's all for the greater good of loving life!  The best dinner parties are when friends come and we talk and laugh and eat while the kids run wild and free.  Because, really - what fun is it if you can't enjoy the simple things in life.

I love cooking with someone.  If not only too share the work load, but you get to learn from each other and learn about each other.  And laugh about life.  And sometimes, if you are lucky enough - you learn just a little bit more about yourself.  The rewards are endless!

--The Cook